AEB Stakeholder Event
Health and Social Care are the biggest employers as a collective (NHS being the biggest employer). Why is health and social care not a priority? We are in a ticking public health time bomb!
Whilst the headline priorities and underpinning objectives for AEB refer to the low carbon economy, improved basic skills and supporting those experiencing health, confidence and wellbeing barriers, NEMCA will continue to support activity which supports local people to access jobs in areas of economic importance aligned to the Local Skills Improvement Plan and other local labour market intelligence. This includes the provision of skills to support local people to access roles in Health and Social Care.
One of the principles is to invest in capacity of providers, especially for those providers best able to engage hard to reach learners. Will there be a capital element to this to ensure facilities are suitable for provision?
The AEB is a revenue budget – there is no capital element.
How will NEMCA support collaboration between providers?
Once NEMCA has formed we will consider opportunities for collaboration and how best to bring providers together to take this forward. Early engagement with stakeholders will develop a better understanding of Adult Skills delivery and the role that existing providers make in their specific communities. Working collaboratively with stakeholders, providers, employers, and residents will ensure that the AEB positively impacts the region’s economic and inclusive growth.
Will local authorities still distribute Community/AEB learning at a local level, or will all procurement happen via NEMCA?
The procurement of the AEB for the NEMCA geography which includes Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland will be administered by NEMCA (replacing the funding currently administered by NTCA and ESFA) Local Authorities in receipt of a Grant Agreement will have the opportunity to procure their allocations for Community Learning/AEB at a local level.
Is there a certain number of providers you are looking to work with?
We have not identified a specific volume of providers we are seeking to work with. Allocations will be made based on the evaluation criteria set within the procurement specification and we will work to ensure there is sufficient coverage of the NEMCA published priorities across the defined NEMCA geographic area. We anticipate working with a diverse range of providers.
Will you be contracting with organisations outside the NE region?
This procurement will be available to organisations who have registered on the North East Procurement Organisation portal as providers of education and training services. Bidders will be required to demonstrate how their activity will support residents of the NEMCA area to develop the necessary confidence and skills to progress towards sustainable and meaningful employment.
Do colleges have to apply to be on the framework for AEB Grant Funded or is this just if you want to tender for the open call lots?
Providers who are in scope for a Grant Allocation from NEMCA have been notified. If you have not received a notification that you are an in scope provider, you must tender for a place on the Adult Skills Flexible Framework to take part in subsequent call-off competitions for delivery in AY 2024-25.
In scope Grant Providers who wish to access funding outside of their grant allocation (e.g. Skills Bootcamps) must apply to join the framework and tender through the open calls when launched.
How does the commissioning process aim to capture the evidence/voice that small independent providers bring to any strategic framework?
We recognise the benefits of utilising a wide range of organisations and providers of skills including FE Colleges, independent training organisations, Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations (VCSE) organisations and others and have highlighted this within the service specification. The NEMCA Adult Skills Flexible Procurement Framework is open to all providers who can meet the criteria set out in the specification.
How will the framework of NEMCA capture the community voice and reflect this in the planning for skills?
Potential Providers submitting a tender for a place on the Adult Skills Flexible Procurement Framework will be expected to understand the characteristics of residents in the NEMCA region (covering Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland) including the local labour market and the skills needs of employers. Seeking ongoing feedback and input from stakeholders, including residents and communities, will be a key feature to ensure skills funding continues to meet local needs.
Being responsive to employers need is difficult for providers under the current commissioning process due to governance/compliance. How will NEMCA commission flexibility to respond to employer need?
We expect to commission activity that meets the needs of the region, in terms of employer need, and the needs of learners to move them into or closer to employment as set out in the Adult Skills Framework Specification.
In the presentation you referred several times to welcoming “Partnership Bids”. How do you define a “Partnership” bid and does it differ to subcontract.
Subcontracting and collaborative partnerships have an important role to play in the delivery of the devolved Adult Education Budget. They allow smaller providers to access funding and to benefit from economies of scale, whilst enabling learners to access provision in locations and via delivery models which best suit their needs. In a partnership we would expect providers to be working collaboratively to draw up and submit a joint proposal whereas under subcontracting arrangements a lead provider may submit its proposal with a view to onboarding subcontractor(s) to support its offer. In both instances we would expect providers to have robust arrangements in place to ensure the technical capability and quality of delivery.
We contract from NTCA and subcontract from South Tyneside and Gateshead, AEB and Sunderland Council. Do we continue to subcontract from STC, GC and SCC if we are successful with a NEMCA Contract?
Providers funded directly by NEMCA will continue to have the option to apply for subcontracts to deliver across the North East Mayoral Combined Authority (NEMCA) area.
Will the payment profile of AEB be paid on profile or actuals?
Please refer to Schedule 2: Performance and Payment Rules, which are published with the tender documents for further information on payment arrangements.
Will grant funded providers automatically be registered on the framework or will they need to apply?
No, all providers must apply to join the framework to be eligible to tender through the open calls when launched.
Can a provider hold a direct contract as well as a subcontracted contract?
Yes, providers funded directly by NEMCA will continue to have the option to apply for subcontracts to deliver across the North East Mayoral Combined Authority (NEMCA) area.
Do I need to be a prime to bid for framework?
No, there is no requirement for providers to be a ‘prime’. Providers applying to the NEMCA Skills framework are applying to become providers for the North East Mayoral Combined Authority (NEMCA) area. Providers should be aware that funding for the delivery of AEB in the NEMCA geographical area can only be sourced from NEMCA. ESFA Non-devolved Adult Education Budget and ESFA Level 3 Free Courses for Jobs funding will not be eligible to fund residents of the NEMCA geographical area.
When is the bid open and closes?
The tender opportunity will open on 17 November. The closing date is 18 December 2023
Will we receive all slides? Can we request slides?
Yes. These are available on the website:
If you are planning on being part of a consortia bid, does that mean you don’t need to apply as an individual organisation?
Providers have the opportunity to be part of a consortia bid and apply as an individual organisation
Which NVQ’s can you offer for HGV?
Please refer to the Adult Skills Framework Specification and Schedule 1: AEB Funding Rules which are published as part of the Tender pack.
Which NVQ body are you accepting?
Please refer to the Adult Skills Framework Specification and Schedule 1: AEB Funding Rules which are published as part of the Tender pack.
If we apply and a small mistake is made, i.e. missed box, are you given the opportunity to submit again or are you expected to re-apply at a later date?
Following the submission of Tenders, the Authority may request a potential Provider to clarify any aspect of their Tender.
Requests for clarification after submission will only be made via the NEPO portal at
Potential Providers must ensure that they have access to and regularly monitor the NEPO portal during the evaluation period
Can we be part of a partnership or consortium as well as individual funding?
Yes, providers funded directly by NEMCA will continue to have the option to apply for subcontracts to deliver across the North East Mayoral Combined Authority (NEMCA) area.
Do you have to address all 3 priorities, or can you address just 1 or 2?
Whilst the headline priorities and underpinning objectives for AEB refer to the low carbon economy, improved basic skills and supporting those experiencing health, confidence and wellbeing barriers, NEMCA will continue to support activity which supports local people to access jobs in areas of economic importance aligned to the ambition of the North East Devolution Deal and other local labour market intelligence (eg Local Skills Improvement Plans). Please refer to the AEB Implementation Plan for further information.
Can you be a direct contract holder and sub-contract to another direct or grant funded contract holder?
Yes. Providers funded directly by NEMCA will continue to have the option to apply for subcontracts to deliver across the North East Mayoral Combined Authority (NEMCA) area.
Do you intend to facilitate a “find a partner” process whereby smaller organisations can be put forward to larger ones for a sub-contracting relationship?
Sharing of provider details is subject to gaining permissions from providers. We will facilitate this where possible.
As a grant-funded provider, do we still have to go through the framework?
Providers who are in scope for a Grant Allocation from NEMCA have been notified. If you have not received a notification that you are an in scope provider, you must tender for a place on the Adult Skills Flexible Framework to take part in subsequent call-off competitions for delivery in AY 2024-25.
Will NEMCA produce its own LARS list for AEB at L2 and L3 qualifications? To ensure ITP, can target appropriate qualifications.
(More flexible on qualifications to be covered than the national list?)
Please refer to the Adult Skills Framework Specification and Schedule 1: AEB Funding Rules which are published as part of the Tender Pack.
Would being the trainer and employer be a conflict of interest? We work in Adult Social Care, looking to carry out SWAPs with the DWP.
Please refer to the Adult Skills Framework Specification and Schedule 1: AEB Funding Rules which are published as part of the Tender Pack.